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Hi! I'm a 25 year old recent graduate school grad who is trying to find my place in the world :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

twitter 411

So you just joined Twitter and you are ready to tweet your little heart away but you're not sure where to begin. While twitter may seem confusing at first, especially if you're a loyal Facebook user, it really is not difficult at all and I am here to help!

Here are some twitter basics and tips to get you tweeting like a pro:

140 Characters
Each "tweet" on twitter must be made in 140 characters or less and if you go over, Twitter will not allow you to tweet. I know for myself, that going over the 140 character limit is rarely an issue unless I am trying to tell a quick story. If you do go over the 140 character limit, here is the time to become creative and and use abbreviations or symbols to get your point across.

So here are some tips to keep your tweets under 140 characters: 
take advantage of symbols such as: &,%,$,# etc.
use contractions
ignore grammar basics but ensure that the tweet is still understandable
remove any pictures that are attached since they tend to use a large amount of characters
be creative with words and use numbers to substitute words such as: before= be4 or even b4, today=2day

Find a tweet that you want to share? Retweet it! Retweeting a user's tweet will allow those that follow you, see the tweet that you found interesting. You will also see tweets on your timeline that are retweeted by those you follow. If you decided that you do not care to see retweets, you are able to disable the feature and it will remove all future retweets from your twitter feed.

Come across a tweet that you like? Favorite it! Just like "liking" someone's post on Facebook, favoriting a tweet on Twitter will let the user know that you liked their tweet. All favorite tweets can be found on your page and can be viewed by others.

Twitter Feed
Similar to your News Feed on Facebook, your Twitter Feed will show you all recent tweets and retweets made by those you follow.

Hashtags #
While browsing on Twitter, you will see the hashtag symbol (#) followed by a number of characters such as a word, string of words or an abbreviation such as #TGIF, #laborday, #football and so on. Hashtags are a way for users on Twitter to express themselves in such a way that can be searched on Twitter and when a hashtag becomes popular on Twitter, it will be considered to be "trending". These trending hashtags on Twitter represent popular topics and typically revolve around world events, popular television programs, holidays and so on.

So here are some tips to best use hashtags:
Keep them simple, hashtags that contain a large amount of words can be hard to read
Be creative & unique
Use trending hashtags to join a discussion

Common Hashtags
Throw back Thursday #tbt: this hashtag appears on Thursdays and is usually followed with either an old memory or photo. This is one of my favorite hashtags, I love both posting and reading them!
Follow Friday #ff: Like the previous hashtag this is specific to a day of the week and Follow Friday gives users the chance to reccomend to their followers, which users to follow.
Now Playing #nowplaying: This hashtag usually follows a band, singer, song, radio station and other musical designations to state what the user is currently listening to.
One of my Followers #oomf: The use of this hashtag lets the user tweet about one of their followers without specifically identifying them. Why? I have no idea, I have never used this hashtag but it is rather common.
To be Honest #tbh: My #tbh would be that until two weeks ago, I had no idea what it stood for and I had to google it after I saw it reoccurring on my twitter feed.
Shaking my Head #smh: Yet another hashtag acronym that I had to google in order to understand what it had meant. #smh is typically used after the user comes across something they normally would not agree with or that they are disgusted by. Either way, it is a way to further express themselves.

@ Symbols
The second most popular symbol that you will see on Twitter is the "@" sign. The use of the @ sign desingates a user on Twitter and the @ sign is used directly before the username, such as @twitter, @postsecret, @jimmyfallon and so on. If you would like to directly tweet to someone, you would tweet the user's name before your tweet and if you would like to mention a user, place their name within the tweet itself.

So now you're ready to use Twitter, but who do you follow?
I recommended following a news outlet such as @cnn, @cnnbrk, @nbcnews, @msnbc or @foxnews and consider following your local news stations for weather and area updates. Consider following your favorite celebrities to see what they are up to, my favorite is probably @jimmyfallon as he is hilarious. And here's a tip, follow your favorite stores as the often tweet coupons, deals and sales. Victoria's Secret is known for the "show this tweet to the cashier and save 10%", not bad! If you're in college or a recent graduate, follow your college for upcoming events and updates. Follow your favorite sports team or even specific players, you will receive up to the date sports updates and see exclusive photos. Still having trouble? Use the "Discover" tab on the bottom of the Twitter Application and search for those that share your interests. And if all else fails, follow me! @alilee89!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

bring on fall

I cannot believe that I am saying this but, I am ready for fall!! Yes, summer is my all time favorite season but I am sick and tired of this endless heat and I am ready to cool down! I think this may be the first time since I can remember that I am actually excited for fall and I think that it has to do with the fact that I no longer associate fall with school.

So here are my favorite things about fall:

Changing colors of the leaves

This is the first designation that fall is officially here and you have to admit, watching the leaves change colors during the autumn months is beautiful! I can not wait to take pictures of the changing colors this fall.


Football season officially begins next Thursday I am ready to break out my New England Patriots gear. I cannot wait to spend my Sunday nights watching football and since I finished school, I do not have to worry about homework or studying!

Apple Picking

Spending a Sunday afternoon at an apple orchard debating on which perfect apples you are going to bring home with you is my ideal fall Sunday and I cannot wait!!

Pumpkin Carving

I'm not sure what's more fun, going to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin or deciding on how to make it your own. I have both carved and painted pumpkins in the past and while carving is messy, I believe it's more fun!

Hot Chocolate

There is nothing that describes fall better than a tall mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream to warm you up. I swear by the Cold Stone Hot Chocolate mix that you can buy at the grocery store and the trick is to add half and half to make it even creamer.

Haunted Hay Rides

Or hay rides for those who do not like the thrill of being scared by teenagers dressed up as ghosts and masked murders. There is just something about bring outside during the fall season.

Apple Cider Donuts 

You cannot possibly go through the fall season without eating fresh warm apple cider donuts! They are the flavor of fall and they go very well with hot chocolate.


Goodbye shorts, bring on the dark washed denim jeans that complement warm and neutral tones for the fall season. I am now on a mission to find the perfect jeans for the fall season.

Cute Chunky Sweaters

To go with the perfect pair of jeans, you need to cute chunky sweater to keep you warm. Ditch the hoodie and jacket and cuddle up in a big sweater!

Adorable Boots

Fall means goodbye flip flops and sandals and hello cute fall boots! These would actually compliment the dark washed jeans!


This maybe one of my ultimate favorite fall items! I am absolutely in love with scarves, no matter the color, the style or size. No outfit in fall is complete without a scarf.

Leg Warmers

As they say, fashion repeats itself and it stands true with this particular accessory. let's bring back the 80's. This will be a new for me but I am determined to purchase a cute pair of leg warmers to go in an adorable poor of boots and over the perfect pair of jeans. 

And finally, some "fall bucket lists" I found:

I personally agree with the final item on this one ^

I can not believe I forgot moccasins!!

And a corn maze! That's it, I'm ready for fall! 


... & stay away winter


While on vacation, I took to opportunity to watch my very first sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean and it was absolutely breathtaking. We arrived to the beach a little after 5:30 in the morning to ensure that we would have plenty of time to watch the sun rise over the ocean and we were extremely lucky as there was not a cloud in sight.

I was completely in aw at the colors of the sky prior to the sun rising and I could not believe how calm the ocean was and since the majority of the world was still sleeping, it was quiet and so tranquil. I think I took close to 50 pictures, if not more and I had a difficult time which ones to use for this post (I know, I'm crazy!!) but here they are:

Here you can see the sun making the first appearance of the morning

I love the reflection of the sun on the ocean below, especially because it is pink.

 After a short few minutes, the sun is almost in clear view.

I love how the sun dramatically makes the change from pink to yellow.

It was an absolutely beautiful morning!!

No filters were used on the above pictures :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Tomorrow morning I will be off to spend an entire week by the Atlantic Ocean and I could not be more excited! And why I thought it would be a good idea to start packing at 10:30 the evening before I can already see myself taking a long nap on the beach when I arrive tomorrow. No complaints :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

twenty random facts

I suppose that this will be a good time to sort of introduce myself through 20 random facts :)

#1 I love to take pictures. I love to take pictures of anything and everything. I have over 2,000 pictures on my iPhone alone. I can't wait to go on vacation just to take pictures of the ocean.

 #2 If you ask me, Starbucks has it all over Dunkin donuts. I swear that Starbucks coffee is better than Dunkin Donuts, trust me!

 #3 If I could wear a dress everyday, I would. And one time I went about 2 weeks wearing nothing but summer dresses and it was amazing :) Now that I work in an office setting, I find it more difficult to find cute dresses to wear.

#4 I wish I could marry Andrew Garfield. O.M.G. I love this man and if given the opportunity, I'd marry him. Ha! only in my dreams though. Some day?

#5 I could watch friends everyday. Okay, I do watch it everyday. I wait until 11:00 at night to watch Friends on nick@nite. Even though I know some of the episodes word for word, I can not help but watching them over and over. Did I mention that I own the COMPLETE series??

#6 I am a HORRIBLE speller. If it was not for spell check, I would not have graduated college. Hell, I'd still be in high school.

#7 There is nothing I love more than getting lost in a great book. I could sit and read for hours on end without getting bored or even become aware of the environment around me. I find that getting lost in a great book is a perfect way to escape from reality. Although I do become a little too attached to my books and I hate it when I finish them.

#8 I want overalls. More. Than. Anything. Okay, maybe I'm being over dramatic. If I had overalls, I'd wear them everyday. Okay, at least once a week!

#9 I. Am. A. Slob. I can't help it!! I don't know if it's because I'm lazy or what but I have always been this way. It's a terrible habit that I am trying to break.

#10 Family is everything. I do not know what I would do without my family. They mean the world to me

#11 I swear I have the best boyfriend in the entire world. He is truly amazing and he has been with me for almost my entire life! At least 20 years and I can't imagine my life without him. He is my everything. And he's a cutie ;)

#12 I have to sleep with the television on. And yes, it is always to an episode of Friends.

#13 My nails must ALWAYS be painted. I enjoy spending time painting my nails every color under the sun and I can't remember the last time my nails were not painted.

#14 I am rarely on time. It's a problem really. It is horrible and I believe that it is getting worse! I need to start getting my ass in gear and faster!

#15 I'm terrified of turning 25. Turning 1/2 of 50 is crazy! If these 25 years flew by, what about the next?! I don't want to be old!!

#16 I have my father's sense of humor and my mother's determination. My dad and I have identical sense of humors and it drives my grandmother insane. I can see why it is obnoxious I suppose. On the other hand I believe that I have my mother's determination and it is what drove me through college.

#17 When I'm alone in my car, I sing obnoxiously loud. It truly is embarrassing. I am serious. I'm sure the people in the car next to me are wondering what in the world is wrong with me but it's something I look forward to. Have I mentioned that I am a TERRIBLE singer?

#18 My hair maybe blonde but I swear if I never started dying it when I was 13, I'd be a brunette. My roots are brown as brown can be and since my hair started to turn darker, I have been in absolute denial. Blondes have more fun :)

#19 Butter creeps me out. Seriously. I can't stand looking at it, I think it stinks and I refuse to even touch it. Ugh. I'm getting the creeps just thinking of the yellow substance sitting in its wax greasy paper now. Gross.

# 20 My favorite place to be is on the beach watching the waves. I could sit on the beach and just watch the ocean for hours and hours and not be bored. I don't know what it is about the ocean but I am absolutely memorized by it.